A Permanent Change of Address

 A piece of mail. 

Something so ordinary that we often quickly flip through the stack, sorting out the junk mail for immediate recycling.

This past week a piece of mail looked ordinary, yet it was not, by any means.

Well it was ordinary in the fact that it served a purpose and was indeed from the USPS. This item was a change of address form from the USPS confirming that our daughter had indeed initiated this change. 

I texted her the photo of this item of mail, which is what I usually do since she does live about five hours away.

"Cool!" she says! 

She had initiated the change of her permanent address. Hmmmm. Okay. I sit pondering how I got to this point and felt a bit of a void.

So yes, she indeed is not moving back home. I knew that, but somewhere down deep inside, I needed this piece of mail to be in my mailbox to help me see that this is for real what happens when your kids grow up and move away, chasing their dreams as they go.


  1. These moves are life changing for all parties, it is not easy to embrace, but with time I guess , the shock fades. I am at the same place with my son.

    1. You're right, Juliette! Time for sure helps all this transition. Good luck to your son and to you as you adjust.


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