Valentine's Day 2021

The sun is in your eyes.

The sun is in your eyes.

Throw me the cold

Throw me the cold, cold water of your smile again.

A song by Jacob Collier, one of my son’s favorite artists.

These words echo in my head today as I try to unravel my emotions.

My son taught himself this beautiful song last weekend and sent me a video of himself singing it via text. He sent it after a rough work day. I called to talk to him and he was busy with college things. He later recorded himself singing this song and at the end he said, “I love you, Mom.” I cried a little, or maybe a lot, because I miss him so much sometimes. 

He’s a caring guy.

And then this weekend, my daughter came home for three days. Her birthday is next week, so we were able to celebrate her twenty-fourth  birthday together. 

It was a delightful visit 

filled with neck massages, laughter, and some deep conversation too.

We covered all the bases.

How’s your life out in Pittsburgh? 

Which grad school do you WANT to attend?

Which grad school accepted you?

How do you see this unfolding?

No answer really.

More just like guesses.

Before she left, we went to see Helen.

Helen was our share-the-driveway next door neighbor when she and Brian lived next door to us for 18 years. They moved to the Philadelphia suburbs five years ago. They are huge mid century modern fans and a house came on the market that they couldn’t resist.

Bigger with space to showcase their kitchy collections of various vintage items.

The kids look at them as two of their favorite people since they’re known them their whole life.

Helen is like the cool aunt to Gwyneth.

Helen never had children of her own.

She would often accompany Gwyneth and me on clothes shopping trips to help mediate the teen tension that was clothes shopping with a mom who had no idea what was considered cool clothing.

She definitely helped me out!

It also made her relationship with Gwyneth even more special.

They started baking together every Christmas and wore fun matching shirts.

Helen lies dying in a hospital bed in her home’s “rumpus room.” 

Brian sits dotingly by her side stroking her limp hand.

Her right side stopped working two years ago when she had that seizure that they called a stroke 

Which was when the tumors were discovered in her brain.

There is nothing else to do.

But Helen LOVES visitors! 

She wants people to come and sit with her.

So we go and sit.

She’s been fighting.

She had as much medicine as her body could take.

The medicine worked for awhile

But now she’s in hospice.

We visit Brian and Helen.

Gwyneth made a heart shaped, pink cake for them.

We talk like it’s any other Valentine’s Day but we all know it’s probably Helen’s last.

How does she feel?

How does Brian feel?

I wonder.

She is sleepy and only one eye is really open.

Her head is tilted to her left side, the side that still kinda works.

Her face is puffy and she doesn’t look as much like the Helen who lived next door to us.

But it’s her.

She’s in there between the dozing.

She answers a few of my questions with a nod and a one word answer.

She gathers her strength when she can.

She can’t see my smile through my mask.

I wish she could.

It’s time to go.

No hugs just good-byes and I love yous.

Then outside we say good-bye to Gwyneth.

We do hug.

We hug tight and long.

Careful driving back to Pittsburgh!

Parting is always so mixed as we navigate this newer parent child relationship. 

And we drive back home and my heart is just so heavy. 

I feel guilty because I have so much good in my life.

I have two awesome, growing up just fine kids!

Why am I feeling sad?

I’m not lying in a hospital bed slowly dying.

I don’t know.

Life is fragile.

Love is complicated and losing someone is hard.

Now I’ll go have a Valentine’s dinner with Tom

One that he made for me.

I feel like I want to appreciate it forever.

I want to appreciate this misunderstood bittersweet feeling I have.

Feelings aren’t always simple.

Or in a straight line.

I want the sun to shine on Helen’s face and make her squint, just like Tristan sang to me. 

I want her to know we’re sorry she’ll soon leave us.

I’m lost in these feelings.

Helen and Gwyn  Feb. 2018

Gwyn, Helen and me celebrating Gwyn's 21st birthday. Feb. 2018


  1. There is so much emotion here. What a wonderful reflection of all the good in your life and the good that you and your children are doing for others.

    1. Thanks for your support, Heather! It means SO much! XO

  2. This is lovely. Visiting people you love in hospice is so hard. Hugs to you. I also love the beginning. Your son sending that song to you is such a sweet gesture. So many things in this post brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful writing.

    1. Thank you for reading. Your thoughts mean a lot to me!

  3. Cheryl, your compassion for others is such a beautiful quality that shines in your writing. My children had neighbors who are better at remembering ALL the birthdays than I am. I hope Helen can be at ease and that you can be at peace.

  4. "Life is fragile.
    Love is complicated and losing someone is hard."

    Yes. A thousand times, yes.

    Like Andrea and Heather have already said, there is so much to this post that shows just how wonderful and hard life can be, and you've captured it in such a beautiful way. I hope and pray peace for you, your family, and for Brian and Helen.

    Hug your daughter every time you see her, tight and long indeed. Thank you for sharing this, Cheryl.

    1. I am humbled and grateful for your thoughts and I am grateful for your support and encouragement to share.

  5. Cheryl, this is a beautiful sort of tribute. I was hooked throughout. You have written this piece packed with emotions. I had to quickly write down two quotes that really resonated with me. "Love is complicated and losing someone is hard," and "Feelings aren't always simple."

  6. Thank you, thank you, for sharing your heart with us. I found myself in tears as I read this. Although I don't know Helen and I don't have kids, the feelings you write about are universal. I absolutely love your writing voice and I can't wait to read more.

    1. I don't know why I'm "unknown" according to Blogger but this is Jennifer Larance.

  7. Oh Cheryl, this is such a heart-felt post. Losing someone who has been like family but not family is really, really hard. You are fighting through so many feelings, and we can feel your struggle through your words. This is a lovely tribute to your dear friend...and a beautiful first post.

    1. Thank you, Leigh Anne! I'm glad you took time to read my post.

  8. Thank you so much for taking this leap and publishing. Such a beautiful post thank you for sharing. After reading your post I was moved to shift my writing for the night to a much more intimate and vulnerable space. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Jonathan! Glad to encourage that hard space. I need to read some of your work!

  9. Sending so much love and support your way! I’m glad you can put your feelings here and share with others who have similar feelings as well. Proud of you for getting your blog started and I’m excited to support you and read every post. Miss you and sending big hugs your way 💛

    1. Thank you! I wish I knew who this was, but I'm sure I miss you too!

  10. Cheryl, you did it!!!! This post is heart-warming and filled with love and concern for others. I don't know if you have decided to keep the name for this blog, but I personally think it is perfect. I am over-the-moon proud of you. I am also excited to read more posts from the crevices of your heart.

    1. You have no idea how much your support and encouragement have given strength to my voice. I think I have settled on this name and I'm so happy to be taking this journey with you!

  11. Beautiful writing, Cheryl, as others have said. So sorry for your friend. You all will be on my mind and in my thoughts and prayers. I know someone else going through this too now and peace is the word that comes to mind, if it can be found. And I understand with every fiber all you say about your kids, as you know. Keep this going.

    1. XO...I knew you could identify with the kid shifts. Looking forward to time together during warmer weather.

  12. Wow. This is so touching, raw, innocent, loving, emotional, and all that makes it something that calls me to read it over and over again. It is almost poetic. It is a wonderful reflection of who you are, my friend.

  13. Cheryl, this is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. Wow. Thank you for sharing this with the world.


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