Celebrate Life

Bear with me a second...

March 6, 2021: First anniversary of Janine's passing

March 9, 2021: Tristan's 20th birthday

March 10, 2021: 20th anniversary of my mother-in-law passing (Yes, she suddenly left us the day after our son was born. That's a story for another blog post.)

And now, March 8, 2021: Helen passes away

That's a lot of dates all close together that all give me pause. I think I need a spa day in the woods with my notebook to process it all.

So this is what the week has been about. Losses with a celebration sandwiched in between the quiet moments of reflection and the sadness of losing another dearly beloved soul.

I am not a sad person, honestly I'm not. But I am a bit sad this week, underneath my smile.

I am someone who loves life and all that it has to offer, but I also know that with loving greatly can come great loss. This causes tears and stops you in your tracks as you go about your daily life. I miss my friends who brought me great moments of joy and I know in my head that I won't have any more moments with these beautiful souls who have gone to heaven, although I still feel their presence.  

We'll say a final goodbye to Helen on Friday this week and collectively celebrate her life. 

We will laugh a lot because Helen was fun. We will also cry a lot because now she's not here and we are a little lost without her.

Celebrate life because it's too freakin' short!


  1. Cheryl, I am so sorry for your losses. I personally believe in Eternal Life in Heaven, and that we will see our loved ones again. I pray God gives you peace in your sadness, as well as many moments of reminders of the good times with your loved ones that will make you smile. (((HUGS))) to you my friend.

  2. Cheryl, your heart is so big! I'm inspired by the strong connections you have with others, and I am sad that you have had so much loss . Your statement, with loving greatly can come great loss. This causes tears and stops you in your tracks as you go about your daily life, rang so true to me. I'm grateful for you.

  3. Cheryl, I continue to think of you processing your losses and grief. A friend once reminded me that those we know become a part of us also as they help shape our lives. I hope you can take comfort in knowing you are the lovely person you are because of those you loved who have shaped you.

  4. Cheryl, I am so sorry. I appreciate your words here and the message to celebrate life.


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