
Showing posts from March, 2021

Celebrate Life

Bear with me a second... March 6, 2021: First anniversary of Janine's passing March 9, 2021: Tristan's 20th birthday March 10, 2021: 20th anniversary of my mother-in-law passing (Yes, she suddenly left us the day after our son was born. That's a story for another blog post.) And now, March 8, 2021: Helen passes away That's a lot of dates all close together that all give me pause. I think I need a spa day in the woods with my notebook to process it all. So this is what the week has been about. Losses with a celebration sandwiched in between the quiet moments of reflection and the sadness of losing another dearly beloved soul. I am not a sad person, honestly I'm not. But I am a bit sad this week, underneath my smile. I am someone who loves life and all that it has to offer, but I also know that with loving greatly can come great loss. This causes tears and stops you in your tracks as you go about your daily life. I miss my friends who brought me great moments of joy a

Missing Janine

When I came back to the classroom after a 14 year hiatus, I was hoping for not only great connections with students, but also the kind of life long friendships I had from my first school. These coworkers of a decade and a half ago were authentic, deep, I-got-your-back-no-matter-what kind or coworkers, no questions asked. It was and continues to be a beautiful thing. I struggled to reinsert myself in a career that had changed so much since I was a part of it, and I longed, for my own sanity, to find that same unconditional work friendship love. My journey brought me to that friendship when I met Janine in September of 2016. I came to my new school when middle school teams had just been shuffled around and all the best teacher cliques had been broken up for fresh starts. Many of my new colleagues were not happy with the changes, but what did I know? I was hired as a leave replacement for a young woman, who I quickly found out, was not a desired team member, but this has nothing to do wit