
Showing posts from February, 2021

Valentine's Day 2021

The sun is in your eyes. The sun is in your eyes. Throw me the cold Throw me the cold, cold water of your smile again. A song by Jacob Collier, one of my son’s favorite artists. These words echo in my head today as I try to unravel my emotions. My son taught himself this beautiful song last weekend and sent me a video of himself singing it via text. He sent it after a rough work day. I called to talk to him and he was busy with college things. He later recorded himself singing this song and at the end he said, “I love you, Mom.” I cried a little, or maybe a lot, because I miss him so much sometimes.  He’s a caring guy. And then this weekend, my daughter came home for three days. Her birthday is next week, so we were able to celebrate her twenty-fourth  birthday together.  It was a delightful visit  filled with neck massages, laughter, and some deep conversation too. We covered all the bases. How’s your life out in Pittsburgh?  Which grad school do you WANT to attend? Which grad school